New School Project - Support The New School Masjid

Ramadan Mubarak!
May this be a blessed & rewarding month for you.
This project is Zakat eligible.

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Vision and Mission


The Edmonton Islamic Academy offers an education of the highest quality, embedded in the values of the Islamic faith, to enable students to become




leaders and contributors to society.


EIA students achieve their maximum potential in an environment of intercultural and interfaith understanding and respect, and use their leadership skills and intellect for the betterment of humanity.


Pedagogical Beliefs

  • Students can learn and experience success.
  • Students are provided with equitable access to a quality basic education program that meets their diverse needs.
  • Students learn in a safe, secure and caring learning environment where each individual is respected and valued.
  • Students share responsibility for their educational success with their teachers, parents, community and government
  • Students acquire strong reading, writing, and math skills with which to analyze data and develop ideas and inferences.
  • Students develop creative and critical thinking skills and problem solving, and are well prepared for post-secondary studies, world of work, life-long learning and citizenship in a complex world.
  • Students enjoy opportunities to develop entrepreneurial and technical skills and work habits required for success in the rapidly changing, high-tech global economy.
  • Students, and their parents, have opportunities for meaningful involvement in important decisions about their children’s education.