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Bloom Home Education Program

Overview of Bloom Education

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Why Homeschool?

The decision to homeschool is very personal and could be for anything from keeping faith at the forefront of the day, seeking more family time, accommodating special needs and interests, unsatisfied with current measures and approaches in schools, cost savings and even the exceptional circumstances happening now with school and COVID.



Why choose Bloom?

The Alberta Muslim homeschooling community has grown significantly over the years, Alhamdullilah.  Currently, many of the available homeschool board options are Christian/Catholic-based.  While faith-based homeschool, boards are an option for the Muslim community, we wanted to provide an option that is more aligned with our faith and values.  Bloom offers to provide unique services that Muslim families will be able to access:

  • a facilitator who shares and respects your beliefs and values
  • recommendations for resources and curricula that are Muslim friendly or ways to modify
  • suggestions for Islamic and Arabic resources
  • support and advice on how to weave the faith into all subjects
  • networking and social opportunities with other Muslim families who are home educating
  • specialized activities catered to Muslim homeschoolers such as Quran/Hadith competition and Arabic Spelling Competition


What is Home Education under the Home Education Regulation?

With home education, parents make a choice to retain the responsibility to direct and deliver the education of their children under the Home Education Regulation. Children must be at least 5 years old as of December 31 of the year they have started Kindergarten. The parent designs implements and evaluates this program.  Bloom reports on the progress of the program through a minimum of two mandatory parent/student/teacher meetings conducted virtually.  Your facilitator will create a summary of the meetings and a progress report will be provided following each meeting

When choosing this form of education, parents are eligible to receive 50% of the home education funds designated towards the program for reimbursement of instructional materials and resources. Home education under the Home Education Regulation offers the greatest degree of parental control.

Is Bloom an independent school?

Bloom is a homeschooling board operating under the authority of the Edmonton Islamic Academy. 

Homeschool boards in Alberta cannot operate independently. 



Can I register if I am not a resident of Alberta?

Bloom Home Education is only open to residents of Alberta. If you are a resident but will be traveling for a short period, exceptions can be made. Please contact us for more information. 



What grade level does Bloom Home Education accept?

Bloom offers a home education program for students in kindergarten-grade 9. Kindergarten children must be at least 5 years old as of December 31 of the year they have started Kindergarten. 



When is registration and deadline for registration?

Registration begins on April 2nd, 2025. The deadline for registration is September 26th, 2025. However, we have limited spots and applications will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. 



Is there a registration fee?

There will be $50 one-time fee per student.  Future registrations will not have to pay this yearly.  If your child leaves for a year and comes back, the fee will be required again. This is the registration policy of Edmonton Islamic Academy.  



Does Bloom provide a list of recommended resources/curriculum?

A list of suggested resources to support at-home learning is uploaded in the Bloom Home Education Google Classroom. Registered families will be added to the Bloom Google Classroom prior to the new school year.  Facilitators will also coordinate meetings with families to discuss home education resources available.



What is a homeschool facilitator?

A homeschool facilitator will be assigned to your child.  Bloom will only hire facilitators that are Muslim and are Alberta teachers with homeschool experience in order to serve you in the best way we can.  After your registration is accepted, you will be connected with your facilitator.  You will be meeting your facilitator virtually.  Your facilitator will be available to assist throughout the year through email, phone, or Zoom.



What is an Education Plan and when do I have to submit my Education Plan?

Your education plan will highlight what you will teach (your goals/learning outcomes), how you will teach this (activities, resources), and how your child will know what they have learned (methods of assessment).  The Bloom Home Education Plan template is a Google Form that will be submitted at the time of registration. You will receive a copy of your response. This will allow you to edit your plan at any time throughout the year.



Do students enrolled in the Home Education program have to follow the Alberta Education outcomes?

Students in the Home Education program have the freedom to follow the outcomes described in the Schedule of Learning Outcomes in the Home Education Regulation OR the Alberta Education outcomes. You may find it helpful to look at My Child’s Learning: A Parent Resource (Alberta).



Is Bloom open to all methods of homeschooling?

Yes. Every family is different. Every child is unique.  What works for one, may not work for another. We welcome all methods of learning. 



Can someone assist me in choosing resources and creating my Education Plan?

Yes, your homeschool facilitator can assist you in choosing resources and materials to support your program. If you are requiring assistance with the Home Education Plan, please reach out to our coordinator:  Remember parent-directed home education allows you to be flexible. Therefore, you as the parent should consider your values, lifestyle, student ability and interests when designing their program.



Do I have to complete progress meetings and what are they?

Yes, the two progress meetings with your facilitator are MANDATORY. This is when you will share work samples, photos, a portfolio, or some type of evidence of learning to demonstrate your child’s progress towards the goals outlined in your Home Education Plan. Phone calls can also be arranged if all samples of work are emailed prior to the phone meeting.



Are report cards issued in the Home Education program?

Report cards are not issued in a parent-directed program. Families will receive a progress report that reflects their progression in term one and term two.  Information that is shared during the progress meetings will be highlighted in the progress reports.



Do you offer funding within the Home Education program?

Beginning in 2023, students in grades 1-9 will receive $901/child per year to offset any home education expenses.  Kindergarten students will receive half the Home Education funding ($450.50).  You will be able to purchase supports that will assist you to meet your Home Education Plan outcomes. A full list of items that can be purchased will be available in the Bloom Google Classroom.  Receipts are necessary for reimbursement. Families can begin purchasing materials and saving receipts after May 1st (prior to the start of the new school year).

Funding will be disbursed twice per year.  Reimbursement deadlines are November 1st and May 1st. If 75% of the grant is submitted ($675.75), the entire $901 will be released during these two dispersals. Kindergarten students must submit $338 in order to receive the full $450.50 in reimbursement. 




What will I be able to access while registered with Bloom?

  • The EIA school library – books (English/Arabic), Islamic titles, Alberta textbooks
  • Select EIA Activities: Arabic Spelling Competition, Quran Competition, Hadith Competition, Book Fairs
  • Virtual & In-Person Bloom Activities/Classes for Students: These vary year-to-year based on interest. Previously we have offered art classes, calligraphy classes, history from an Islamic perspective classes, Islamic Studies classes, library meet-ups
  • Service/Charity activities
  • Connection with Bloom parents through Telegram (Edmonton families) and Whatsapp (Calgary families)
  • Bloom Google Classroom - to keep you updated on Bloom and EIA offerings, suggested online resources, and passwords for various websites

What will I gain from Bloom if I am not located in Edmonton?

We are trying our best to make arrangements for children outside of Edmonton to participate virtually in some of our onsite activities such as Quran and Hadeeth competitions. We are also planning monthly virtual meets that students across Alberta would be able to access.  Group field trips in cities with a high number of registrants may be arranged.



Will there be a teacher-directed or blended option for students?

At this time, we do not have this as an available option. Bloom only offers a parent-directed option.



Will there be additional supports in place?

We are happy to announce that Home Education families will be able to access special supports through Khan Communication.  This includes one-on-one consultations, as well as a variety of learning sessions for Home Education parents and students. Your facilitator will assist with consultations and will provide further details in the new school year.



What happens when my child is in grade 9? Does Bloom prepare students for high school?

A high school information session is offered in the spring to Bloom students in grade 9. There are several options for high school students. 



Will I be able to access Alberta resources to assist my program?

Yes, you will be able to rent Alberta textbooks through the Edmonton Islamic Academy library.  Your facilitator will also provide you with passwords to access the T4T modules through Alberta Learning. 




Will I receive more information?

Yes, you will receive a Home Education Package at the beginning of the school year. Your facilitator will provide you with a number of documents and forms to support your home education program.



I have questions. How do I contact Bloom?

Please feel free to email our Bloom Coordinator, Tasha: 


We look forward to supporting you and your family!



How do I register for the Bloom Home Education Program?

To apply, simply click here and follow the instructions.