New School Project - Support The New School Masjid

Ramadan Mubarak!
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Elementary (Grades 4-6)

In our Elementary Division, classroom environments are inviting, caring, happy and filled with enthusiastic learners and dedicated, passionate educators

The importance of academic excellence and developing the whole student continues in the through the Edmonton Islamic Academy’s enriched curricular and co-curricular program for students in grades 1 to 6. Our range of learning supports each student's academic and emotional transition between different grades.

EIA’s strong foundational academic program, based on the Alberta Education curriculum, is complemented by additional Arabic and Islamic courses and experiences. Every subject includes problem-solving and creative projects, field trips, presentations, small group and individual work.

Division 2 (Grades 4-6) Academics- Core Subjects


Mathematics is the universal language that helps us understand the world around us. In Division 2, we may not yet be solving the mysteries of the universe, students acquire the fundamentals that enable them to understand the simpler workings around them. Mathematical teaching follows both traditional methods of teaching and inquiry-based problems-solving approach for students to understand the big concepts. Our focus is to educate students to communicate their problem solving through logical reasoning. Their newly formed mathematical knowledge in math is not intended for limited purposes but to shape a way of thinking that supports simple and complex problems problems, learn how to be effective and efficient communicators.


Science in Division 2 is designed to help students achieve their individual potential and be part of the solution in creating a future for themselves, our school, community and world. Our students have a natural curiosity about their surroundings and it is our goal as a community  to encourage and to provide opportunities for them to explore, investigate and question. The focus of Science in Division 2 is to provide opportunities for hands on exploration of concepts and to encourage cross curricular learning by incorporating math, language arts and Islamic Studies into these activities. As we engage in inquiry learning students are able to expand upon current knowledge and develop their skills. Our students’ future will be very different with technological developments being made daily. Insha Allah, we are striving to prepare them to be change agents of the future.

Social Studies

The Division 2 approach to Social Studies is one that involves a combination of collaborative, authentic, inquiry based and project based learning strategies. Students are given inquiry based concept questions aligned with the curriculum to drive their learning towards a final project based task at the end of each unit. First hand or scenario based learning opportunities are provided in order for the students to experience or “live” the concepts or events related to the curriculum, thereby helping them to create personal connections to the subject matter in order for it to be relevant not only in their current everyday life, but far beyond into their future as well. Throughout the course of their learning, students work collaboratively to achieve their common goals as a class and to support their peers in achieving their personal goals as well.

English Language Arts-Reading

The Division 2 approach to literacy in reading comprehension encompasses, accuracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary. Reading comprehension enables  students to visualize, question, and interpret what they are reading, thus enhancing their critical thinking skills. The following reading strategies are taught in Division 2 to enable students to comprehend any given text through:

  • Analyzing character, story elements, text structure and organization
  • Compare, contrast, draw conclusions and evaluate the author's purpose and point of view
  • Evaluate facts, opinion, identify cause and effect
  • Identify main idea, supporting details, identify sequence, interpret figurative language
  • Make inferences, judgments, predictions
  • Summarize and paraphrase information
  • Use graphic features to interpret information
  • Use text features and context clues to locate information

Each strategy is taught explicitly. Students’ reading stamina is built throughout the year by giving them opportunities in class to  Read to Self, Read to Someone, as well as Listen to Read.

English Language Arts - Writing

The Division 2 approach to literacy in writing has a foundation in the 6+1 traits of writing. These traits include ideas, organization, word choice, voice, sentence fluency, conventions, and presentation. By breaking down pieces of writing into these smaller categories, students are more easily able to examine their strengths and areas for further development. Our writing program utilizes a modelled approach, allowing students to experience and analyze strong written passages and stories prior to creating their own. Collaborative learning is emphasized, with students working together in groups so that they can appreciate the importance of effective communication.. As well, students are provided with an opportunity to investigate and develop cross-curricular literacy outcomes by linking foundational writing skills with other forms of communication, including persuasive speeches, news reports and scientific presentations.