New School Project - Support The New School Masjid

Ramadan Mubarak!
May this be a blessed & rewarding month for you.
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High School (Grades 10-12)

EIA graduates have a 100% university placement rate to the universities and programs of their choice. 

This is a great endorsement of the educational program and school culture that has been established at EIA. The senior students are the leaders, and foster the sense of community and pride that all of the students enjoy.

Our students perform far above the provincial average on Provincial Achievement Tests and Diploma Exams as well as in day-to-day coursework. Our teachers and administrators continue to look for ways to engage students deeply in learning.

Getting Ready for University and Beyond

EIA high school promotes a rigorous academic learning program designed to ensure the greatest number of post-secondary choices for graduates. It encourages a greater academic load to prepare students for university; not just to qualify for entrance, but to succeed in their chosen faculties.

Advanced Placement

EIA also features the Advanced Placement (AP) program. This is the equivalent of a first year university course taken over the last two years of high school. Completion of this course stream allows students to write the College Board exams enabling universities to grant early credits if students have earned an acceptable mark.


Classes are generally 85 minutes long with a low student-to-teacher ratio because even in high school, students still need interesting learning activities and assignments to reach a diverse population of learning styles, time for discussions and questions, and most importantly, time for the teacher to spend with them individually in every class.


  • Community Outreach
  • Student Council
  • House leaders
  • Leadership opportunities through organizing school events, athletics, and representing the student body at the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) and other school and public functions.
  • Yearly international, curriculum-based travel excursions

High School Admission Criteria

Admission Criteria for Students applying from the Academy for Gr. 10

● Preference will be given to our current students
● A minimum average of 70% in Islamic Studies
● A minimum average of 70% in each core subject (English, Math, Science, Social-Studies)
● Minimum score of 65% on their PAT exams
● No marks below 60% in each of the other subjects.
● No more than one discipline reports

Admission Criteria for Students applying from outside the Academy for Gr. 10

● A minimum average of 80% in each core subject (English, Math, Science, Social-Studies)
● Minimum score of 65% on their PAT exams
● You must score above 75% on EIA's entrance exams
● Two reference letters which can be provided by the following:
✔Current School (from teacher or administration)
✔Sports Coach
✔Private Islamic/Arabic Teacher
✔A member of the organization where the student completed volunteer work

Admission Criteria for Students applying from outside the Academy for Gr. 11 & 12

● You must be previously enrolled in all dash 1 courses
● A minimum average of 80% in each core subject
● You must score above 75% on EIA's entrance exams
● Two reference letters which can be provided by the following:
✔Current School (from teacher or administration)
✔Sports Coach
✔Private Islamic/Arabic Teacher
✔A member of the organization where the student completed volunteer work