New School Project - Support The New School Masjid

Ramadan Mubarak!
May this be a blessed & rewarding month for you.
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Islamic Program

In support of our mission, each Islamic studies course is guided by a shared vision and hope that our students become to live, learn, and lead through Islam.

Curricular Resources

At EIA we recognize that every generation possesses their own unique challenges and strengths, so we strive to make our curriculum relevant to our students' lives and reality in Canada. We base our lessons on trusted resources, such as the "I Love Islam," "Learning Islam," and "Living Islam" series by ISF Publications, a North American Islamic publishing company dedicated to educating youth and young adults.

In addition to these texts, we supplement our lessons with other materials including online lectures, videos, other contemporary and classical works, and classroom discussions on current events which further support the students understanding of Islam and its practice in everyday life.

Curricular Foci

Our study of Islam is divided into three foundational areas of learning: Islamic Studies (focusing on Faith and Worship), Qur’anic Memorization, and Arabic Language.  Each area of learning begins at basic levels and increases over the course of the students’ academic career. The Arabic and Islamic Studies Department works hard to support and motivate students through inspiring events such as Qur’an and Hadith Competitions, Arabic Spelling Bees, Hajj and Hijra plays, and Youth Conferences.


At EIA we not only see the future face of Islam in our students, but also the hopes and dreams of their parents.  Raising a generation of Canadian Muslims is a great goal and tremendous task. By the grace of Allah, we feel thankful for the opportunity to teach a new generation of young, bright and talented group of Muslim youth.

Lived Faith

Student Sermons

The sermon (khutbah) during Friday Prayer (Jumu'ah) is one of the congregational highlights of the liturgical week. The Edmonton Islamic Academy invites a variety of resident and guest speakers to present the Friday sermon, and students are also encouraged to take on this responsibility and write their own sermon for the audience of about 1300 students and community members.

The content provided below has been recorded by Sheikh Ahmed Badawi of Edmonton Islamic Academy.

The Suraahs are listed in the order which they will be taught to students per grade level during the full academic year.

Please use these recordings to help support your child's recitation and memorization.  

Grade 1 Suraahs

Grade 2 Suraahs

Grade 3 Suraahs

Grade 4 Suraahs

Grade 5 Suraahs

Grade 6 Suraahs

Morning Dua & Hadeeth Recordings

The content provided below has been recorded by Sheikh Ahmed Badawi of Edmonton Islamic Academy.

Please use these recordings to help support your child's recitation and memorization.

Morning Dua

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Hadeeth About Piety

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Hadeeth About Abnegation

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Hadeeth About Al-Eman

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