New School Project - Support The New School Masjid

Ramadan Mubarak!
May this be a blessed & rewarding month for you.
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Islam Awards

ISLAM Award, stands for Individual Students with Academic Merits, is an annual award for high school students. These awards are designed to recognize high achieving Junior High and High School students in the areas of:

  1. Quranic memorization and recitation
  2. Islamic studies
  3. Arabic language
  4. Academic
  5. Diploma & AP Stars
  6. Athletics
  7. Top Academic
  8. Leadership
  9. EIA Profile Award
  10. Alumni Award

Awards System and Criteria:

Quran Memorization Award

This award will be given to the most successful three students from each grade (3 students from each grade).

The students must meet the following criteria to receive the award:

Criteria for Junior High

  • Student should memorize and properly recite the Surahs, from that grade curriculum, with the tajweed rules.
  • Students should know the basic provisions of tajweed.
  • Students should read with correct pronunciation of the words.

Criteria for Senior High

  • Student should have recited a selected surah (chosen by the Islamic Department) with the tajweed rules.
  • Students should know the basic provisions of tajweed.
  • Students should read with correct pronunciation of the words.

Islamic Studies

Criteria for Junior High

  • Top three achievers from each grade (Total 9)

Criteria for Senior High

  • Top two achievers from each grade (Total 6)

Arabic Language

Criteria for Junior High

  • Top three achievers from each grade (Total 9)

Criteria for Senior High

  • Top achiever from each semester (Total 2)


Students demonstrate highest level of success in each subject.

Criteria for Junior High

These awards will be based on the students’ grades in the 1st Semester results and 2nd Semester results up to end of May.

  • Honorable Mention: requires 75% or higher based on an average of the 4 core subjects.
  • Honor: requires 80% or higher based on an average of the 4 core subjects.
  • Honors with Distinction: requires 90% or higher based on an average of the 4 core subjects.

Criteria for Senior High

These awards will be based on the students’ grades in the 2nd semester results of previous year and 1st semester results of current academic year.

  • Honorable Mention: requires 75% or higher based on an average of 4 core subjects.
  • Honor: requires 80% or higher based on an average of 4 core subjects.
  • Honors with Distinction: requires 90% or higher based on an average 4 core subj

Diploma & AP Stars

80% and above in the diploma exam (First take considered only. Retake will not be considered for the award), four and above in AP test.

Top Academic

Top students from each grade (one from all grades 7, one from all grades 8, one from all grades 9, one from grade 10, one from grade 11 and one from grades 12), (Total 6)

Leadership as an Active Citizen

Will be given to the most successful three students from Junior High and the most successful three students from High School (Total 6)

Athlete of the Year Award

Will be given to the most successful boy and girl from Junior High and the most successful boy and girl from High School (Total 4)

EIA Profile Award

One from grade 12 (Criteria: students’ handbook page 5) (One student)

Alumni Award

One Alumni (most volunteer hours) (one Alumni)