New School Project - Support The New School Masjid

Ramadan Mubarak!
May this be a blessed & rewarding month for you.
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Elementary (Grades 1-3)

In our Elementary Division, classroom environments are inviting, caring, happy and filled with enthusiastic learners and dedicated, passionate educators

Establishing and Developing a Solid Foundation

Our goal in Division 1 (Grades 1-3) is to teach to the whole child by ensuring a safe and  stimulating learning environment. The first few years of formal education are very important, a time when routines, habits and virtues are formed.  

The Edmonton Islamic Academy follows the Program of Studies provided by Alberta Education. The teachers at the academy abide to the curriculum to plan enriching units, lessons and activities. Their experiences in these early grades helps students discover a love for learning that will serve them well throughout their schooling.

Further, our students are taught in an environment that values the Islamic faith, ethicalness, and helping others around the world. 

Literacy Program

In our present world, literacy has evolved to more than basic reading and writing. Now, in our transforming world it is about being intellectually, socially and culturally capable. Researchers have found that children who have developed strong reading skills perform better throughout their schooling and begin to develop a positive self-image. Literacy counts from day one and lays the premise for a child's success in school and in life.


Our Literacy Program Consists of the Following:

Guided Reading: 

We understand and appreciate that students in our classroom are all reading at different levels and have different strengths and needs.  Guided reading is a great tool used in our daily instruction to meet these needs. This structure of differentiated instruction helps ease potential frustration, because the students are working at an instructional level with the support they require. All students progress and achieve success, which helps develop a positive attitude toward reading and learning. 



Independent Reading

The children are provided with uninterrupted time in the classroom to build their Independent Reading. This helps develop great reading habits and attitudes, it gives opportunities to build their reading stamina. 


Reading Power Program

All of the teachers have received Professional Development (training) by Adrienne Gear in delivering this program. “Reading Power promotes reading comprehension with a wealth of effective strategies that help readers THINK - interact with the text and construct meaning  while they read. Reading Power provides students with the tools to become more thoughtful and meaningful readers as well as how to become “meta-cognitive” or aware of their   thinking while they read. Developing a “common language of thinking” across grades is a key aspect to this approach, while teachers learn the importance of using this language in all aspects of their teaching.” Adrienne Gear

Words Their Way (WTW) Program

Word Study in Action Developmental Model aligns students’ spelling development into the following five research-based stages. This developmental model identifies common traits of readers, writers, and spellers along a literacy continuum. In the fall a benchmark assessment (placement of level) is completed, activities and lessons emphasizing on their needs are followed through. After the New Year the children are assessed once again to check on progress, level adjustments and modifications are made. Finally, at the end of the year, a final assessment is completed, celebrating the progress. 

Writing Power Program

The teachers were in engaged in a Book Study learning about this program.

Writing Power is a practical and thoughtful resource that shows teachers how to encourage students to consider the reader's thinking as they write. Using the same five thinking strategies from Adrienne Gear's groundbreaking Reading Power books Connect, Question, Visualize, Infer, and Transform young writers will learn how to engage and invite their readers' thinking through their writing. Adrienne Gear

Mathematics Program

There are different reasons why it’s important for our children to be engaged and learn mathematics. Firstly, it teaches basic process, logical and higher level thinking skills. The laws of mathematics dominates almost everything around us, with a good understanding of the concepts and skills, our children can avoid significant problems in life.

Our Math Program consists of the following Units:

  • Number (Number Sense)
  • Patterns and Relations (Patterns, Variables and Equations)
  • Shape and Space (2D and 3D shapes and Measurement)
  • Statistics and Probability (Data Analysis)