New School Project - Support The New School Masjid

Ramadan Mubarak!
May this be a blessed & rewarding month for you.
This project is Zakat eligible.

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All students should take pride in being members of EIA. Their uniform identifies them as such. Our uniform ensures that students are neatly and sensibly dressed. Competition and extremes of fashion are prevented.  Appropriate dress is required from all students and good grooming is equally important. Parents will be contacted if the uniform worn by the students is incomplete or inappropriate. Students are not permitted to take off their school uniform during the school day unless permitted by the school administration.

Inappropriately dressed students will be asked to change promptly into a school uniform or will be sent home immediately. All teachers are instructed to send any student who is not dressed in the proper uniform to the office for parents to be contacted to bring the right uniform. If a student is still not wearing the right uniform after two warnings, they may be asked to stay at home until the matter is rectified.

Please find our student dress, appearance and grooming guidelines and policy below:

  1. On Fridays, boys must wear the uniform dress shirt and school necktie with the uniform pants.
  2. Boys' hair must be cut clear off the collar. Excessive hair gel or hair spray is not permitted. Dramatic hairstyles and/or hair colors and/or highlights are not permitted. Body piercing and tattoos are not permitted.
  3. Boy’s shirts should be tucked in to pants at all times.
  4. Ball caps or fashion hats of any description cannot be worn in the school building at any time.
  5. Outerwear choices are limited to school-issue clothing or plain black hooded sweatshirt. High School girls may wear a plain black or green hooded sweatshirt. All outerwear must have a full-length zipper and uniform items must be visible at all times.
  6. Parents must purchase the color of hijab/s applicable to their child/rens grade:
  • K-Grade 3 (Navy)
  • Grade 3-6 (Grey)
  • Grade 7-9 (Royal Blue)
  • High School (any color)

Different colors, embroidered or beaded hijabs are not part of the uniform and should not be worn.

      7.  Make-up is discouraged.

Purchasing a Uniform

Uniform fittings for students are held at EIA several times throughout the year when McCarthy Uniforms Inc comes to EIA. If a fitting is not required, a parent may purchase any piece of a uniform by ordering online through the website, or by phone at 1-800-668-8261.

Uniform Requirements





Navy Blue Polo Shirt and Grey Dress Pants

Fridays Light Grey Dress Shirt, Grey Dress Pants, and School Tie

Navy Hoodie with Zipper (optional)

Navy Blue A Dress and Grey Pants

Navy Blue Hijab (Grade KG - 3)  

Grey Hijab (Grade 4 - 6)

Navy Hoodie with Zipper (optional)

Navy Blue Abaya (Gr 5 & 6 principal approval)

Junior High

Grey Polo Shirt and Black Dress Pants/Joggers

Fridays Grey Dress Shirt, Black Dress Pants, and School Tie (purchase from the office or Mccarthy Uniform)

Black Hoodie with Zipper (optional)

Grey Abaya

Green Hijab (Purchase from the office)

Black Hoodie with Zipper (optional)

High School

Green Polo Shirt and Black Dress Pants/Joggers

Fridays any color Dress Shirt, Black Dress Pants, and Any Tie

Black Hoodie with Zipper (optional)

Black Abaya (Plain abaya can be purchased from anywhere)

Any Color Hijab

Black Hoodie with Zipper (optional)

Note: Appropriate Islamic athletic attire is required for participation in Physical Education classes.  Athletic apparel may not be worn outside of the Gymnasium.